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Hart Rad LLP represents clients across a broad spectrum of transactional matters, with special emphasis on the real estate and renewable energy industries. 


Our clients have included major renewable energy developers, a Fortune 20 telecommunications provider, commercial real estate and sustainable energy investors, industrial manufacturers and small businesses spanning a diverse variety of corporate sectors. 


We combine the experience and quality of a big law firm with the personalized service and value of a small one.  At Hart Rad LLP, we are uniquely focused on solving our client’s most complex problems at a price they can afford.

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The Team

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Marshall R. Hart

With over a decade of small firm, big firm and in-house legal experience, Marshall’s practice runs the gamut of transactional real estate. He is proficient in leasing, acquisitions and dispositions, as well as project development, investment and finance.

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Romin Rad

Romin’s diverse career has placed him on all sides of real estate transactions.  As an MBA, licensed real estate broker, in-house corporate counsel, and now outside counsel, Romin is uniquely positioned to handle all aspects of sophisticated real estate deals with expertise and efficiency.

The Team

Practice Areas


Renewable Energy


Real Estate

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